Australian Ocean Energy Group (AOEG)
“We want Australia to become what it should be: a global leader in renewable ocean energy and a provider of sustainable benefits for our country, businesses and people.”
Who is AOEG
Australian Ocean Energy Group is an industry-led cluster, established in 2018 to establish an ocean energy industry in Australia What is Ocean Energy?. Formed by a group of wave and tidal technology developers at the first Australian Ocean Energy Conference in 2016, the group vowed to speak for the ocean energy industry in one united voice to establish an ocean energy industry in this country. Hear from a few of those voices.
AOEG is a member-based organisation, bringing together industry, government and academia to provide an effective means to innovate ocean energy solutions, strengthen partnerships, engage stakeholder and align with the industry’s focus on growth and investment for wave and tidal energy development. View Current Members
What does AOEG do
Australian ocean energy has an important role to play in solving the global climate problem. With a focus on decarbonising Australia’s Blue Economy through accelerated commercialisation of ocean energy, AOEG exists to build demand for ocean energy devices and/or energy systems.
Nationally and internationally, our members are making great progress in the development of wave and tidal technologies and systems. Now it’s time to for those technologies to provide energy solutions for coastal communities, businesses and industries wanting to decarbonise and meet sustainable goals.
How we accomplish our mission
Connecting with potential end users allows us to directly align technologies to address market needs and wants, including decarbonisation, electrification, reliability, safety and predictability of supply.
AOEG is accomplishing its mission through its 3-part Ocean Energy Market Development Program. This Program enables AOEG to catalyse commercialisation of ocean energy by changing the dynamics from technology-push to market-pull.
Tangible action towards generating market demand, establishing a delivery mechanism and commercialising ocean energy is accomplished through the following Program elements.
- Market intelligence
- Click HERE to view AOEG Market Investigation Report
- Ocean Energy Market Demonstration projects.
- Integrated ocean energy microgrid, Albany, WA.
- Ocean Energy Marketplace – an Ocean Energy Innovation Hub.